
[ BLOCKCAMP ] 新 Kix 嬰兒鞋

[ BLOCKCAMP ] 新 Kix 嬰兒鞋, Korean, 母嬰與玩具 , BLOCKCAMP, 5, 鞋子的柔軟像 marshmaloow 及製造網


  • 鞋子的柔軟像 marshmaloow 及製造網 " ( TPE ( 嬰幼兒用功能鑰匙固齒器材料 ) 哪一種無害
  • 抗菌坦 deodorizing 。內建與維京表是優越在 deodorizing
  • 方便 . 可輕鬆清洗容易放在



    lovely baby shoes - acts as socks and shoes at the same time. -  made out of teething tot material and totally none harmful for baby. 105-145 mm size/ 20 designs. shoes are soft like marshmalow and made with TPE ( infant teether material) which is harmless.anti-bacterial&deodorizing. inside made with virgin form is superior in deodorizing.28g ultra light weight along with convenient . Easy wash and easy to put on. act as socks and shoes at the same time.



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    [ BLOCKCAMP ] 新 Kix 嬰兒鞋


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